April 02, 2020 4 min read

Hey Wanderers, 

How are you holding up? It’s been… a whirlwind for us here at OTBT Shoes. I am sure you all are experiencing similar feelings. We get it. The world looks different than we have ever seen it, and it can make us feel unsure of the future. The global crisis at hand has burdened our hearts. At OTBT, we understand that during this tough time, many are facing enormous challenges. We first and foremost want to protect the safety and wellbeing of our team, consumers, and retailers while continuing to support your needs.

Second, we are still here for you. With a team working remotely and our shipping center taking extensive care and safety precautions, we will continue to deliver OTBT to your doorstep.

It’s moved us to see many of you supporting each other through these past few weeks. Joining the movement, we are launching #TogetherApart to encourage people to continue to band together.

What It Looks Like:

We are asking you to rally with us as we adjust together to a new normal. Talk to us. Connect with us. Share with us. At OTBT, we want to inspire people to unite safely and differently. Join #TogetherApart–a virtual destination to support and motivate your community, share tips, and spread positivity while social distancing.

Tag us in your positive thoughts for the day, the home outfits you’re wearing, and what you are doing to stay connected. You can join us today with the hashtag #TogetherApart @otbtshoes. See what others are posting for positivity, support, and ideas on how we can all band together.

Safety Measures We’re Taking: 

Our business has completely done a 360º in how we operate. We are focusing on protecting our workers by asking our entire office to work from home. Our warehouse is still shipping, but have added extra precautions to protect our team, including restricting outside visitors and minimizing on-site staff to a bare minimum. We are also taking additional safety steps by distancing co-workers and sanitizing every hour. We believe in the impact of social distancing. Our priority is making sure every person who is with us stays safe. 

We’re still here for you. Our goal is to continue providing the highest quality service you have known and come to love. Curious about a style? Chat with us digitally through customer support. Unsure about an order? We are here for that. Have something you want to share? Tag us in a post. However you need us, we plan to be there. After all, we are in this together. 

Supporting Local Businesses:

Want to bolster your community? Many of our OTBT retailers are small boutiques in your neighborhood. Small businesses are usually managed by people you know. With many of their customers asked to stay at home, these businesses are facing a tough time. Do some research to find the local businesses in your area that are open but taking extra measures to protect the community. Many are offering curbside pickup, at-home deliveries, and online options to keep you safe while maintaining a normal(ish) lifestyle. 

We’ll be giving shoutouts to small businesses on social where you can shop OTBT and more- who are following government guidelines and taking extra measures of safety. Want to shout out a small business in your community? Tag @otbtshoes #TogetherApart and we’ll do our best to holla out and share as many as we can.

Motivation Moving Forward: 

For many of us, we have the unanswerable question of “What is next?” Honestly, we don't know what the future holds, but we will take steps to continue to move forward. #TogetherApart we will make a deliberate effort to support each other. We believe wholeheartedly in keeping our distance until this crisis has passed. We also believe that you shouldn’t have to downgrade your style or comfort while doing it.

For now, we have an excuse to focus on a comfy, at-home wardrobe. Sweatpants and loungewear are everyday essentials. We're embracing the ultimate level of comfort here at OTBT, and to be honest, we aren’t even mad about it. Maybe you are finding out the best way to style leggings or mix-matching your favorite tops. Perhaps you are dressing up your WFH uniform and want to show it off. Whatever is keeping you going right now, we want to be a part of it. We are also lounging and social distancing in some of our favorite athleisure shoes. If you need inspiration, check out the  Comfy Everyday Shoe Collection. We have a few staff favorites here for walking the dog and getting your daily dose of fresh air.

Being #TogetherApart means encouraging each other. It's about finding the silver linings within our chaotic circumstances. Share with us your pet cuddles, kitchen creations, and stay-at-home style. We can’t think of a better reason than to find small ways to shine on. 

We are a tribe. We are a community. We are OTBT. #TogetherApart we will unite.

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