November 15, 2019 3 min read

Turkey day is right around the corner and here at OTBT Shoes we have come up with some of our best tips to make sure you enjoy time with family and friends to the fullest. The point of Thanksgiving is to take a moment to slow down, reflect, relax and enjoy a great day full of delicious food and celebration. With so many holidays close together, it’s important to find ways to enjoy yourself this season. 

 Tip One: Do Put Down the Cell Phone

Thanksgiving phoneWe know you are ridiculously excited to show off your perfectly plated meal on your Instagram and Snapchat stories but it’s time to put the cell phone down. Take a moment to completely unplug this Thanksgiving and enjoy the moment of actually being present with family and friends while enjoying a meal together.  Using this time to catch up with family and long estranged friends will help you create and cherish memories that will last longer than that 15 second story you were posting. Being full engaged in a conversation is something you won’t regret once the holiday is over.

 Tip Two: Do Enjoy Extra Food

Sticking to a healthy exercise and diet program is the perfect way to stay in shape and feel your very best. Our advice for Thanksgiving is to let yourself splurge when it comes to food. Holidays only come around once a year and having a few of your favorite things won’t completely derail your good intentions for the next 355 days. Taking a moment to savor your favorite side dish or dessert allows you to immerse yourself even more into the holiday spirit. Let’s be honest, is there anything better than a delicious piece of pumpkin pie and a coffee? Nope we didn’t think so.

 Tip Three: Don’t Wear Uncomfortable Clothes

 We know you want to look super cute for the holiday and we totally agree! One of our biggest no no’s is to make sure you dress comfortably. It’s so important to make sure you are dressed comfy and cozy for the day. Wear clothes that are cozy to keep you warm and comfortable as you sit through a long meal. There is nothing worse than having too much to eat and uncomfortable pants, right? This can also go for your footwear as well (depending on where you are celebrating the holiday). Choose comfy boots or casual sneakers. We have a few of our favorites that might be perfect for your wardrobe in our Travel Lite Collection.

 Tip Four: Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to CookOne of our last tips for Thanksgiving is to make sure that you don’t wait until the last moment to begin cooking your feast. Try to plan your menu at least two days before and create a game plan / timeline to make sure all of your dishes can be done on time. There is nothing worse than having everything done but you are waiting on the turkey or worse, your guests are hangry!

 We hope these tips will help you have one of the best Thanksgivings yet! In the spirit of the holiday, make sure you take time to reflect, be generous and show gratitude to your family, friends and strangers. Practicing these habits not only allows us to enjoy the present but encourage us to practice gratitude on a daily basis. Happy Turkey Day from all of us at OTBT Shoes!

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